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Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Nursing Home Dilemma

       Most folks can't stand truth straight up. It strips them clean and there is no place left to pretend.  But, all I ask is that someone please listen, just this once.  Perhaps there might be one old lady just a bit closer to your heart because she risked total honesty and now you understand.
      One of the things I remember promising my mother seemed so simple.  She would beg, "Please don't put me in a nursing home, will you?" And I laughingly promised.  Then one day I broke my word when the situation became more than I could handle. We tried, oh my we tried.  Since my husband and I worked, we made elaborate plans for her well being during our work hours, reading light on, radio tuned to favorite station, lunch ready to heat or stashed in fridge, and phone number for my office practiced.
       But it never worked; the pan was scorched, the house was dark, the dog was wailing, the radio hissed wildly and dear Mom was off in her chair fast asleep, tear stains on her cheeks. It pulled at our hearts for we knew it was a dead-end street.
       When she reluctantly agreed to try the Presbyterian Nursing Home,we were certain it would fail but to our everlasting surprise it was a rousing success. For five months she shone, out pacing the angels themselves then, without any argument she left us all for her Heavenly home. We had a hollow feeling in side.
        And then we discovered that we were the top layer and our children were deciding what was best for us in our latter years. And now, some ten years later, we know.  And this is a little bit of what we know.
        There is NO right answer for anybody's mother or father.  Life is only and always exactly what you make it, no more no less. And grownup children must make wise decisions facing facts squarely. What I share is my opinion only and for the oldster with all senses operating, my little hints for survival are meant for those souls determined to live out those end days with a glorious flourish.
       So, in a sense, I want to help unravel the modus operandi of aging; God's timetable, side effects and fringe benefits. Little things like when to laugh, where to cry and how to keep the peace.  How to blow up our own balloon and then let it go to soar in the sunshine. Then, sons and daughters shall learn to climb inside our senior citizen world and encourage us through the goal posts. God has left us here on earth; He makes no mistake.
         There is a God-given purpose for everyone inhaling and exhaling. God wants us to know He adores us and will always stand by us no matter how unfinished or over- baked we are. We are His. He loves us.

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