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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thou shalt not steal

       Melissa Jane is a 46-year old lady with Down's syndrome.  Melissa Jane functions on a 3-year old level. Melissa is my daughter.
        On Saturday last we were shopping at the Acme when she spotted a display case stacked shoulder high with playing cards. Melissa's eyes nearly popped out of her head for playing cards has become her turn-on, her 24/7 occupation.
          Everywhere she goes sitting or standing you can find her tirelessly shuffling a huge handful of these cards with the dedicated focus of a LasVegas shill. She never stops to deal for there are no imaginery players.  There is no card game.  There is only Melissa.
        So, when Melissa came upon this hidden treasure, she started to undress the display case.   She stuffed every deck she could grab in her pockets, in her shirt, in her jacket when I put an end to her feverish actions with some machine-gun commands - -  "Melissa, don't take those cards.  They are not ours. We must not take what does not belong to us. God says "Do Not Steal."
       Melissa's eyes only grew wider. I almost knew what she was thinking Why not steal? She was infinitely better off, just look at all her cards now, what a stash she had. She plainly couldn't understand this rule about not taking stuff.
      But one look at me and she knew I meant business.  So Melissa did the only thing she did well.  She fled.  Down the aisle, past the checkout stations and out the front door.
         Once outside the Acme, she planted both feet firmly on the sidewalk with both hands in her pockets.  I think she must have wondered if God needed her cards for some game He had going.
     When I got to her,  her eyes were terrified.  A kind of "here comes the judge" fright.  God had trusted me with a retarded child but He sure had not given me the wisdom I needed to bring her up. I needed more time with Him.

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
from whence cometh my help;
 my help cometh from the Lord."       



  1. Oh, Miggy. What did you do out on the sidewalk? I want to hear the end of this story!

    Love you,

  2. Hi Jen-
    It takes some of us a little bit longer to catch on - - I did not realize I could talk to those who took the time to comment. You have been so nie to post your thoughts - thanks.We were able to strip all of the cards except one deck which she gave back grudgingly and allowed her to buy one deck. Talked long and hard about what stealing was etc and she finally said she was sorry although I think she was only sorry that we had not allowed her to keep all of her precious cards. At a 3-year level that is a hard lesson to learn. She is such a dear normally and certainly is what keeps me young; you would really like her.
    Love, Miggy


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