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Saturday, September 25, 2010

What are you doing the rest of your life?

I don't know about you but I have huge twinges of conscience about how I use the time God gives me every day.  Do you bound out of bed with a "Hey, good morning God!" ? Do you then rush toward your Bible to have your Quiet Time? Or is it easy to put it aside until you make that hot pot of coffee and postpone devotions until you are more awake?

Let's not even talk about the evenings.  You're tired, so am I.  You've worked hard, so did I.  You did not take that "power nap" nor watched Dr. Oz and you honestly feel as if you owe yourself a little bit of me-time. And the remote is sitting right there and tonight is Dancing with the Stars and you don't watch that much TV anyway so curling up on the couch seems to be just what the good doctor ordered. So, go ahead, do it.

You remember I am sure, in Camus' novel, the old man who sits on his bed every day and counts peas from one pan to another cheerfully, as though he were accomplishing something. He divides his life this way "every 15 pans, it's feeding time." This is the way he ocupies himself until he shall die. Life holds no meaning for him, so he has created a ritual activity of nothingness to while away the time.

Perhaps in God's economy all He really wants is for us to fall in love with Him. And when you fall in love, you want to be with your lover, right?  Not to waste the time doing some monotonous repeat of  time gobbling entertainment that blots Him out of our daily living. Until at last, there are no leftover minutes, our drive to be near Him has disappeared and we are physically exhausted.

I am growing tired, aren't you? Goodnight to God and to anyone who might chance to drop in tonight.


  1. I know I'd rather be in love instead of just counting peas!! :)

  2. I think you are with most everything you encounter in your life.It is your enthusiasm that carries you along.

  3. I don't count peas, but I do other silly things. Looking for lost items that I should have put where they belong, complaining, worrying about what others think or say.

    I like the idea of falling in love with Jesus. Thanks for reminding me, dear friend.


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